All DoxFlowy Features

Take a look at everything DoxFlowy has to offer to manage, streamline and automate document and contract workflows.

Document automation

A full suite of document automation tools is available to help you manage every aspect of the contract lifecycle.

Document automation features final

Intuitive document editor

Upload your documents or create them from scratch. Use our document editor that feels like typing in Microsoft Word to get your document up to speed.

Text formatting

You have all the text formatting features you’d expect such as adding ordered and unordered lists, italics, bold, underline, and so much more.

AI document drafting

Use our AI engine to draft your entire document or specific parts of the document to speed up your template creation time.

Built-in tagging system

Add various tags and variable formatting that will be replaced with the information from your data source allowing you to create new documents instantly.

Document repository

All your documents and workflows are stored in an easily searchable document repository. View the status of the document, the date created, and other important information at a glance.

Header and footer editing

Customize the header and footer of your documents to communicate essential information, add your branding, or even keep pages organized through numbering.

Image management

Upload custom images and insert them into the contract. Once uploaded, they’ll be stored in your account for you to access at any time when creating a document.

Questionnaire conditional logic

Use if/then logic to control what the data collection questionnaires do. Hide specific pages, send unqualified respondents to an alternative thank you page, hide or show questions based on specific responses, and more.

Document settings

Take control over a wide range of settings for each document and workflow. Choose the name of the document, the document’s output format (EG PDF or Word), the size and dimensions of the document, whether respondents can download the generated document, consent management, and more.

Folder management

Create folders for your document workflows to group them together and make it easier to search for important documents in a fraction of the time.

Import documents from cloud storage

If you don’t have access to your local storage or main computer because you’re on the move, easily import documents from cloud storage providers like Google Drive, Dropbox, and more.

Reporting & analytics

Access strong reporting tools that tell you how many people have responded to your questionnaire, the distribution of answers, percentages, and much more.

Version control

View past versions of your document which are created automatically or manually create and store versions of your documents that you wish to save as a reference.

Intuitive data collection questionnaires

Intuitive questionnaires are created based on the tags and variables inserted in the document. You can choose from over a dozen different question types and edit the questions to make sure they match your brand tone and voice. Embed the questionnaire on any web page or share the link directly with respondents.

Questionnaire customization

Further customize the questionnaire so it matches your brand. Tweak the colors, add your logo, and make sure it matches your brand.

Welcome & thank you screens

Take customization to the next level by turning on a welcome screen and delivering a unique message before people start the questionnaire. You can also control the thank you screen to ensure it showcases your brand from beginning to end.

Webhook delivery options

Set up custom webhooks to deliver generated documents and other information like name, email, etc. to other applications.

Third-party integrations

DoxFlowy supports direct integrations with different types of third-party services like CRMs, HRIS tools, document storage apps, and much more. Transfer documents and data without lifting a finger.

Electronic signatures

Take advantage of our powerful electronic signature solution to sign documents from any device and from anywhere in the world.

Electronic signature features final

Multiple ways to sign

Choose different ways to sign your documents including signing alone, signing with others, or allowing others to sign without you.

Automated reminders

Set up multiple automated reminder messages that go out at specific intervals so you don’t have to follow up with recipients manually.

Manual reminders

You can also send manual reminders whenever you want with just a few button clicks.

Advanced signing fields

When setting up your document for signing, choose from a wide range of field types, including basic ones like name and more advanced ones.

Redirect after signing

Choose to send signatories to a custom page after they’ve signed. Use it to collect payment or just inform them of the best next steps while staying on brand.

Custom post-signing message

You can also create a custom message after they’ve signed to let them know what to do or just inform them that the process is complete.

Template management

Manage frequently used documents by turning them into templates with just a few button clicks. When you want to use them, just type in the name and email of the recipients.

1-click template management

After a sign request has been sent out. Simply click a button to turn it into a template. Set the roles and you can reuse them however and whenever you want.

Audit trail

Every signed document comes with a robust audit trail that shows who signed, their IP address, and the specific actions that they’ve taken.

Guided signing

Forget about incomplete signatures. Every signatory will be guided through the signing process and every required field is guaranteed to be filled before they can submit the document.

Multiple signature styles

Choose from typing your signature, drawing your signature, or even uploading your signature to sign documents and important agreements.

Data validation

Make sure the right data is being entered in the right places. If you need a phone number, they won’t be able to type in text. If you need a name, they won’t be able to add numbers, and so on.

Folder management

Organize all of your signed documents into folders for easy search and access. You can even set folder permissions to determine who can access your signed documents.

Cancel signing

If you’ve made a mistake or the contract is no longer valid, cancel it with a single button click and handle the issue seamlessly.

Signing heirarchy

Choose who signs first, second, third, and so on. You have complete control over the order of signing and the document cannot proceed until the previous person has signed.

Personalized email template

For every sign request sent out, you have the ability to create a personalized email the signatories receive so they’ll be confident they’re signing the right document.

Artificial intelligence

Use generative artificial intelligence to speed up your document creation process and ensure you’re adding the right information.

AI features

Create documents from scratch

Our AI engine has the ability to help you create a document from beginning to end while making sure to include all the right clauses and terms.

Create individual clauses

Conversely, you can use AI to create specific clauses in your documents based on the situation and your needs.

Summarize clauses

For existing clauses, you’re able to highlight and get a summary of the key points so you can be sure of what you’re adding to the contracts.

Explain key clauses

Conversely, you can get a more detailed explanation of any clause within the document. This will ensure you’re not confused or accidentally adding the wrong information or agreeing to something detrimental.

User management

Control who has access to your documents and contracts at all times. Invite team members, viewers, or collaborators. 

User management

Invite users

Invite as many users as you want to your DoxFlowy account. Multiple plans come with an allocation of users and you can then add more as you see fit.

User role management

Every new user can be given a specific role which includes an account administrator, owner, editor, and a simple viewer.

Individual document collaboration

Add people to specific documents so they can collaborate with you to edit and make changes. These users are not considered to be part of your team and you can add as many as you want to individual documents.

Remove users at any time

You’re in complete control of users and permissions at all times. Remove any user with a few button clicks and transfer all of their work to your account or someone elses account with a few button clicks.

Copyright 2023 - 2024 Useful Innovations, Inc. - All Rights Reserved

Doxflowy is not a law firm, and does not provide legal services, advice, or representation. Some product imagery is for illustrative purposes only and the actual product experience may differ.‍